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Incontestability Affidavit


Mark [Mark]

Registration Number [Registration Number]

Class Number [Class Number]


State of [State of notary public]
County of [County of notary public]

[Name of registrant or person authorized to sign for registrant], being duly sworn, states that:

1. [name of registrant ] owns the above identified registration issued on [date of issue], and published under Section 12(c) on [date published], as shown by records in the Patent and Trademark Office;

2. The mark shown therein has been in continuous use in [type of commerce] commerce for five consecutive years from [first date of use] to the present, on each of the following goods recited in the registration: [list goods];

3. Such mark is still in use in [type of commerce] commerce;

4. There has been no final decision adverse to registrants claim of ownership of such mark for such goods or services, or to registrants right to register the same or to keep the same on the register; and

5. That there is no proceeding involving such rights pending and not disposed of either in the Patent and Trademark Office or in the courts.

Signature Date